Read a lot lot lot before I decided to join. But you have to join to ask questions and perhaps add a tidbit or two of useful info.
This is a Perry and a T200
That is several years back and a '67 Suzuki 200cc 2 stroke, I built out of a motorcycle in a box. I've used the name on a few message boards and just kept it.
In an 1/8 mile tuned right it would out run most Harleys. On the 2 lane highway it cried. I got passed one day by a 24 man poker run. I was going to the golf course in shorts and a pink shirt. I got stuck in the middle at some bridge construction by 24 guys in black leather. Week later traded it off and bought a '72.. Guess you could say I am ole school.
I told them next time they passed me and wasn't in fear for their lives it was because I let them go by. Somehow perryCB750four just didn't work.
Mostly I just read the forums for useful information and some decent entertainment as others enjoy their builds and travels. I have since found out that the really entertaining threads get deleted, but oh well.
Years back locally a friend had a NASCAR bus, the bus died and then so did he. (unrelated) Might be looking for something to take to a race or two. I also hunt with several locals and we would like to plan some out of state trips. Something with heat and some bunk beds would be ideal. Of course right now I am in the herding cats stage.
Aside from my wife having (how do you spell coniption fit) if I got a bus I would have to get rid of some of my other toys. Really torn, I like my toys.