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Old 12-04-2015, 09:09 PM   #21
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Thanks for all the helpful tips. All good advice for sure and exactly the reason why I joined this forum. Since all the tracks we go to have toilets and showers on site we're wondering now if we even need a "bathroom" as such. We could always put a porta-potty out in the garage part for those middle of the night nature calls. Race car spends the weekend outside so there's lots of free space in there for lawn chairs, table and BBQ(with the ramp door open)Eliminating the black water tank and plumbing would sure make the build a lot easier.

Drawing wasn't really to scale. It was just something I found in my desk drawer, scanned then played with in the Paint program but it helped me visualize the layout and to tell the truth I'm still not happy with that design. I've been looking at what some of the short bus bunch do with limited space and have picked up a few ideas but I'm still searching for the "ideal" layout for two people for three day weekends spent entirely at the track. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

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Old 12-06-2015, 03:32 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Peasant Racing View Post
Thanks for all the helpful tips. All good advice for sure and exactly the reason why I joined this forum. Since all the tracks we go to have toilets and showers on site we're wondering now if we even need a "bathroom" as such. We could always put a porta-potty out in the garage part for those middle of the night nature calls. Race car spends the weekend outside so there's lots of free space in there for lawn chairs, table and BBQ(with the ramp door open)Eliminating the black water tank and plumbing would sure make the build a lot easier.
My concern is: I know the bus trip will be longer than trailering. We make enough stops along the way for gas; I don't want to add bathroom stops, too.

Originally Posted by Peasant Racing View Post
Drawing wasn't really to scale. It was just something I found in my desk drawer, scanned then played with in the Paint program but it helped me visualize the layout and to tell the truth I'm still not happy with that design. I've been looking at what some of the short bus bunch do with limited space and have picked up a few ideas but I'm still searching for the "ideal" layout for two people for three day weekends spent entirely at the track. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Yeah, since I haven't put mine on the road yet, my layout is also quite fluid. I'm doing same as you - checking out the short bus builds. Another idea I considered until I got the salvage RV was a compact kitchen unit.

36 inches and everything is integrated and hides under the countertop. But it ain't cheap!! The more economical ones from Avanti aren't too bad with sizes from 30" to 48".

The more I do, the more I find needs done.
Build Thread - ET - ELWOOD Transporter
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Old 12-06-2015, 04:06 PM   #23
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I have a small portipotty in mine. Its a lifesaver. Like you say-the middle of the night nature call-the bathrooms are on the other side of the pits-and it pouring out---2 hours into the trip + I don't want to stop-etc.
I have it set up on a wheel arch to get a little more height.
Don't make a fuss-just get on the bus!

my bus build
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Old 12-06-2015, 05:11 PM   #24
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I think a porta-potti would be enough for us. Everywhere we've gone to race for the past 40 years or so has had at least one stop around halfway for a little walkabout, some coffee and a bathroom break, a favorite restaurant or even a short visit with a relative along the way. We've gotten into the habit of stopping at Tim Hortons for coffee and a bathroom break every few hours along the way and the ones we go to always have huge parking lots full of tractor trailers. Also we usually meet other racers at those places and form a convoy in case one of us has problems along the way.

This combo is awesome and would save a ton of floor space. I know I can't afford one BUT we have the technology, tools and ability to build something similar(aka the redneck engineering version)

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