Return to the Forum (FKA JustinB)
Its been a few years and I couldn't remember my old password or the handle was purged.
I have been in the on highway truck industry for 25+ years. 4 years were sent at a Thomas Bus dealer in MI. I do have some electrical information that can be forwarded regarding HDX, MVP, and C2 platforms.
I currently serve as a Customer Service, Training and Warranty capacity for a commercial truck component manufacturer. Not much use for Class 8 5th wheels and Semi Trailer landing gear here though.
Some day, I'll break away enough time and resources to build a Skoolie. Likely an '02-07 Thomas conventional 11 window with an MBE904/Allison 2K. 520lb/ft will move 25k down the road at 65mph ind push 15mpg.