You all ROCK!
We appreciate all the input and can handle a little jab from time to time! There is one in every family, two in mine! That is if I include myself! lol!
We will be putting an album together when we are done and possible a video. We have few good pics already but unfortunately, the bulk of our pics decided to go fishing!!! I'm not too happy about it but I guess the lure of the big cat came calling! I think I'll be able to pull some from some text and emails though.
I'm not sure about timeline for completion at this time. We didn't get the bus out of the paint booth soon enough and many of our student will be heading off to work or summer vacation soon. Hopefully we will have a few that want to stick around during the summer and do some work or we may have to wrap it up early fall when they return.
Our local electric coop is working to provide the generators and we have discussed tapping into the diesel system if we can find an appropriate unit that fits within our constraints and doesn't create too much noise. If not, we may have to run an external unit that we can just "load" in the back. I'm sure our welding program can fab us a ramp or something to assist with that. Also, we believe the mini-spilt system will be ideal for our application. Temperatures are pretty moderate around here during what we believe our heavy usage times will be. We may have to be a little flexible at times.
Again, thanks for ALL the input!