Originally Posted by Bnina
I am in the R&D of the bus/skoolie life. I might be making the leap sooner than I thought as an opportunity to purchase is at my finger tips. It is a 1992 19 seater church bus, diesel f350 with the million mile 7.3 so many speak so highly of. It has a little over 300k on it. All ready gutted with bunks and livable as a glamper. Recent motor maintenance and new tires. Seems to have good bones. This will end up being my full time living quarters. I am handy and plan to do much of the work on my own, but this all is so intimidating. I have to find a place to store it until I can start working on it and I don't even really know where to begin.. the floor I guess. Lol. I will be falling on all of you for support and guidance. Thank you for welcoming me to the group!
I am not familiar with the Shortie's, so someone else can chime in on that. Just make sure you have a Plan A & B for storage/workspace prior to purchase unless you have a friend/relative that lives in an area that is not governed by stringent regulations. Look over the following and see if any apply to you.
1. Distance from residence to build location and brick and mortar stores (Gas/Mileage expense etc.).
2. Be familiar with City/County ordinances (Permits, noise, toxic waste etc.).
3. If renting a type of contractors garage or other workspace, make sure their lease agreement allows for certain activities such as painting, welding etc.
4. The workspace height is sufficient (especially if doing a roof raise) as many are not.
5. The workspace has proper HVAC system for inclement weather
6. The workspace has utilities such as water, electricity including sufficient amperage for power tools, welding etc.
7. The workspace is in a reasonably safe and secure area (cameras etc.)
8. Rent is affordable enough to get by should you suffer from a set back like a mechanical breakdown or you get injured etc.
9. If renting a workspace most will require insurance on the bus including registration while it is in the build phase.
10. Expect some frustration with vehicle registration and Insurance (some states are a real pain). There are some good articles on this forum that should help you overcome most of the obstacles.