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Old 06-26-2016, 01:27 AM   #1
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Schoolin' with the Stines

Pardon the dorky title.

My husband and I have three children, little time, little money, little space, and a lot of ambition. We bought a 1989 AmTran that had been used every Sunday to transport churchgoers, and are going to be moving out of our current renting situation to the bus by this Thursday.

Our far from boring children are 4, 2, and 4 months of age. My husband has an associates in electronic technology and some automotive certifications, and I am pursuing an ecological engineering degree.

I'm posting mostly because we're scared out of our wits, and this is some form of relief for me to "get it out". It has taken 2 weeks longer than we had anticipated to even get started on this adventure because life has gotten in the way, and now we have 5 days left to "get er done" enough to throw down some beds and call it good enough to live in while we figure out the details-- basically just long enough to put a floor in and maybe some initial framing in of the walls?

I'm hoping that the people here who love projects and love buses might also love to send a few pointers our way-- we could definitely use a wider community than just two freaked out parents bonking heads together in an attempt to mush all the pieces together

I will be posting in the "project" section with some photos and questions. If anyone is willing to check it out, we could really use something more than guesstimation


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Old 06-26-2016, 02:51 AM   #2
Bus Nut
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I can relate to the fear. My time at my apartment is nearing and end and a bus just seemed like such a good dream, and it is but i tell you the newness and fear were intende at first. That has simmered down a lot in the past 3 weeks but the first week was scary even though i finally had some quiet and slept better then i had in years, still scary. I did the super simple remodel; put my stuff in and call it good. Now i have installed a small solar system, which is really nice but the first two weeks were just me and my stuff; no framing, still no framing, and still the rubber bus floor, except now it has two cool rugs down.

The posts here also comforted me a lot, just seeing how many others think similar to me "that living in a school bus is a good idea" really helped ease my anxiety.

Good luck!
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