Skoolie Newbie Seeking Advice
I have been dreaming of having my own Skoolie for years and now I am ready to make it a reality! I have many ideas and quite a bit of know how when it comes to the actual conversion (I have done many a project with my father) but I could use some advice on the actual getting of the bus. After the conversion, I plan to go on road trips with my friends and have some good clean teenage fun. I don't plan on adding a bathroom or anything that involved. Basically just beds, storage, a small, fridge, some lights, and some outlets. The main question I have right now is what size bus I should get? How many people could comfortably road trip in a shorter bus? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I will also need to figure out what year/make to get, what to look for and what to be wary of, a good price etc.