I have my bus! It is now safe and sound here in LA and I did not drive it home myself. Sense took control and I hired a company to drive it down for me. It was more or less the same cost to hire them as to fly and drive it myself. Not sure what my gas cost + gas milage would have been, but they paid for gas and delivered it this morning.
I do get lots and lots of smoke. I was pulling in to my storage where I rented a parking space for the time being. The company forgot to place my registration in the bus so I could not park there until I come back with it.
The company was super helpful though and got me a secure spot until monday. But 10 miles I drove was the most fun and scariest thus far. This is my first bus. First time driving a bus. The non synchro 5 speed manual was tricky, but quite comfortable after a little while. The smoke is what I was warned about and expected it. I just didnt know you can minimize it? Any tips on how to drive more incognito.
If it is allowed, here is my first turn with the bus.