The adventure begins
Well this Friday I brought home a bus. A 2005 ihc 77passenger with dt466 and auto tranny. Me and some friends had toyed around with the idea of doing this for sometime now and when a month ago a friend said the town was about too blind bid auction off a bus that was in really good shape with a fresh motor just because of its age I thought what the hell and e-mailed a bid of $1050.00. Well I won by 45 bucks and drove it home Friday. Was wondering a few things and this site has been helpful but wondering if anyone who has already done one of these in vermont could answer a few questions.
1.)does it have to be painted or just the lettering removed?
2.)does the stop sign have to be removed?
3.)how many seats do I need to remove\have left without needing a bus endorsement.
4.)seatbelts? Mine has none but for the drivers seat.
5.)is it difficult to get it retitled as a rv?
Any and all input would be appreciated
Thanks, Chuck