I've been thinking of what to use for the backsplash near the stove. I'm not crazy about putting up a couple stainless steel sheets and thought about using the thin ceramic tiles. The kind that are a 1/2" wide by a couple inches long.
The worry is that there will be just enough flex going on as I drive that it will crack the adhesive and/or the grout.
Has anyone used tiles for this and how did they work out for you?
There has been someone that did that previously. They used a grout and glue that are flexible. Someone will remember which thread that was, but I can't.
I was talking to the local lumberyard owner about it today and he didn't know of any flexible tile adhesive. Not that it doesn't exist, just he didn't know of any.
Hopefully someone here remembers that thread or has other ideas
There are a number 2-part epoxy grouts that work well for mobile applications. You definitely do NOT want to use conventional cement based grout. The vibration and flexing will generally destroy it pretty quickly.
Someone already did that here. Sorry, but I knew I'd never be putting in flexible grout for a tile surface in my bus. The only build I can think of that is tile worthy is the Vanhool bus. I haven't read that many old threads.
Even using something like an epoxy grout you need to stay with small tiles...like 1". Larger tiles are incline to crack from the same flexing that takes place.