Originally Posted by wencington
... issue with new laws and regulations...
Once upon a time, law was written in stone.
Folks could count on it for generations.
If I was me, I would avoid California taxes and fees and inspections to the utmost of my ability.
I can easily imagine you wasting dozens of hours (precious time you will never recover) fussing with California bureaucrats.
I can easily imagine bureaucrat taxes in the range of hundreds of fedbux...
... just to get started.
Each year, those same California bureaucrats require you to waste hundreds more fedbux just for the privilege of owning your property.
And, as you so astutely recognize, those same California bureaucrats can change the 'laws' in any direction at any time.
You can bet the bank those new scribblings will benefit the California bureaucrats at your expense.
In your position, I think I might get an address in Oregon, do the paperwork for Oregon registration, and rarely-slash-never cross the line in California.
Our Oregon registration is less than a hundred fedbux every *TWO* years.
Ask anybody in California about their vehicle taxes.
I bet they waste ten times that much...
... every California year instead of every two Oregon years.
If you choose to cross the border, just say you are heading to Baja.
California bureaucrats never do anything more than the basics.
Anything more than the basics sounds as though it might cut into their break time, their union meeting time, their safety meeting time, and their time discussing their benefits packages.
Transiting campers... not worth their investigative effort.
Lastly, California license plates carry a stigma.
A lot of otherwise peaceful folks get antagonized by the mere mention of Californians invading normal places.