Look for a bad relay that controls the fuel pump.
Yes, a bad relay!
You have electronicus interruptus.
Had a similar problem on two vehicles, basically the relay can fall out of it's holder, turned upside down, and would fill with rain water/road spray.
Eventually it corrodes the contacts in the relay.
One warning sign before it happens is the car is a bit balky to start, JUST before the thing won't start at all.
Check that you have power going TO the fuel pump relay from the battery when switched on. If you can hear the fuel pump whirr to life when you turn the key, the fuel pump and relay are OK.
Then check that power is going THROUGH the relay when power is switched on.
If that checks out, you may have a clogged fuel filter (some systems have TWO of them!), or even a bad (low flowing or leaking internally) fuel pump.
You may have a bad/corroded connection to the fuel pump. Examine all connectors, clean and apply dielectric grease where necesary.
I actually got $2000 off the book price of my current truck when I bought it. Seems the guy had had the engine rebuilt some 50K beforehand, and then got the overdrive tranny rebuilt. He drives it home, next day it won't start. 35 miles on the new tranny.
He figures, "what the hell, just paid a grand for the repairs, and now the other fuel pump went (this vehicle has two tanks, two fuel pumps. The front had stopped, so when he had this problem he thought the rear had failed too).
So he sits on the truck for over two years, finally decided to sell it, and put the ad in the local Want Advertiser.
I show up, there's a basically OK F150 Lariat with EVERYTHING, and I diagnose the bad relay.
Bought the truck for $995, he was the original owner, HAD THE ORIGINAL WINDOW STICKER, ALL REPAIR PAPERWORK, EVERYTHING, tool box, rack, the works.
I have it towed home, $12 relay, $60 ball joints, four $10 tires ON WHEELS from a boneyard and I'm Jones'n. Been good to me, replaced the steering box seals, power window motor, and enjoy the A/C.
Total less than $1300.
Considering replacing the front fuel pump. Would like both tanks working.
The tool storage is nice, but where do I put the bed?