04-21-2020, 01:30 AM
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I haven't bought any gas in about a month. I still have over a quarter tank from my last fill up. There must be quite a few people like that. I bet they are selling a lot more diesel than gas now. That's why the price is still up. And you can store diesel a little longer than gas.
04-21-2020, 01:44 AM
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We are still working on our tank from who knows when. We have gone out a few times, less than once a week. At this rate, it will take another two months to get to the point of a fill-up.
Wow, that sounds strange.
04-21-2020, 08:31 AM
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Several thoughts:
1. There are many many more people infected than official numbers. Folks are even hooked up in respirators in ICUs without being tested. The number infected is probably at least 10x the official number and likely is more than 100x higher. My sister got tested, but her boyfriend that lives with her did not - the doctors said they already knew he had it so there was no reason to waste a test. (Both are recovered now - just a week plus of flu symptoms at home).
2. There are many more people dying of this than officially reported, several multiples at least. People are dying at home without being counted or dying in hospital without being counted because places are still rationing tests. There are nursing homes that have had 50 deaths in a week, but only a dozen confirmed cases...
3. The fatality rate is almost certainly much much lower than reported. If the deaths are 10x higher than reported, but the infections are 100x higher? That would mean the fatality rate is 1/10th... 0.3% is a different beast than a 3% death rate. I'm curious what the final numbers are.
4. Both the media and the politicians are doing an awful job of keeping us informed. It isn't helped by all the disinformation spread over social media.
04-21-2020, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Biscuitsjam
Several thoughts:
1. There are many many more people infected than official numbers. Folks are even hooked up in respirators in ICUs without being tested. The number infected is probably at least 10x the official number and likely is more than 100x higher. My sister got tested, but her boyfriend that lives with her did not - the doctors said they already knew he had it so there was no reason to waste a test. (Both are recovered now - just a week plus of flu symptoms at home).
I hear ya, but folks are in straight denial since being told its "just a flu". I know more than a dozen people that don't believe any of this is real. They're bolstered by extreme idiots on Facebook
2. There are many more people dying of this than officially reported, several multiples at least. People are dying at home without being counted or dying in hospital without being counted because places are still rationing tests. There are nursing homes that have had 50 deaths in a week, but only a dozen confirmed cases...
The sad part is you saying this will make you a "radical leftist commie" in many groups.
3. The fatality rate is almost certainly much much lower than reported. If the deaths are 10x higher than reported, but the infections are 100x higher? That would mean the fatality rate is 1/10th... 0.3% is a different beast than a 3% death rate. I'm curious what the final numbers are.
4. Both the media and the politicians are doing an awful job of keeping us informed. It isn't helped by all the disinformation spread over social media.
Yeah you're totally spot on. And that makes you and I COMMIES lol
04-21-2020, 09:11 AM
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Originally Posted by banman
I didn't even think about that -- truth be told I was just looking for this meme and found the above quote first...
This is what I wanted to post:
Attachment 43565
of course in any modern parachute if you slow too much you stall.. then you fall and die...
theres a middle point someplace..
masks - I have cotton masks.. no they arent N95, not they wont filter out aerosolized virus.. they do keep me from touching my nose and mouth when out in public. they do diffuse the velocity of air being inhaled over a bigger area. lower velocity = less distance that you can "suck in" virus that may be in your vicinity.. ie a sick person exhaling in the same area you are in. I wash them in 180 degree f water in the washing machine.
I dont go to the grocery except when absolutely necessary.. order online and pick up, I could possibly pick it up from the bags or food items i suppose..
04-21-2020, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by cadillackid
of course in any modern parachute if you slow too much you stall.. then you fall and die...
theres a middle point someplace..
masks - I have cotton masks.. no they arent N95, not they wont filter out aerosolized virus.. they do keep me from touching my nose and mouth when out in public. they do diffuse the velocity of air being inhaled over a bigger area. lower velocity = less distance that you can "suck in" virus that may be in your vicinity.. ie a sick person exhaling in the same area you are in. I wash them in 180 degree f water in the washing machine.
I dont go to the grocery except when absolutely necessary.. order online and pick up, I could possibly pick it up from the bags or food items i suppose..
That's what we do. But when the groceries get here we put stuff that doesn't need rerigeration in a bin for a week. The rest gets a lysol wipe.
04-21-2020, 09:55 AM
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It has been a struggle for us, not in health concerns, but every other aspect of life.
My fiancée and I were set to get married on May 2nd after just moving into our bus full time. Honeymoon to the Bahamas for 2 weeks. Come home then take the bus on it’s first trip to HangoutFest in Gulf Shores for a 4 day weekend.
That has all been nixed indefinitely.
The time I line for completing our build of course ha been moved and we have decided to postpone a lot of things until after we move in simply because shipping dates and we don’t have the income that we were banking on.
I am a youth minister, but we are both musicians and music teachers as well. My youth group was just about to start Spring Break and we had an epic week of events planned for them both fun and service related. The kids all thought it would only be a 2 week break “quarantine” and they’d go back to school, church, sports, etc. Now as we are in week 3-4 of all of this they have started to realize the severity and impact of the situation. I feel for them because they were all so close to so many epic things: Bringing that “C” or “D” class average up to a “B” or an “A” in one semester on pure hard work and focus, going to state and national band/concert competitions, finishing out the sports season with a winning record, getting their first real job. The list goes on, and all of it has been either out on hold or taken away from them entirely.
The trade-off of cancelling school I understand is much more important than any of these other accolades coming to fruition; the health of these kids and teachers of course comes first.
As musicians: I alone have lost about 15-20 gigs from April-May, not counting the ones that still may be cancelled in coming weeks. Lost a cool $350 for accompanying a local high school choir at state finals for Classical Guitar that was supposed to be a week ago. Was set to play for a 3 weekend, 11 show musical (RockOfAges) in May right after we got home from our honeymoon. The cover band I play with sometimes (The Bay Bridge Band) were going to have me perform with them again at the BandsOnTheBeach concert where they get the largest local exposure. This was a bucket list, childhood dream of mine that I was fortunate enough to fulfill with them last year!)
Not to mention all the busking, last second weddings and private gigs that my fiancée and I get this time of year as a flute and guitar duo.
Ultimately, I can’t calculate how much potential income we have lost just on the performer side of our lives.
As teachers: my fiancée is a full time home school teacher to my former guitar instructors son. Normally she would be with him in person from 9:00-4:00 every day, teaching, playing and taking him to homeschool group activities while his Mom and Dad were at work. She now teaches him for about 4 hours over a webcam virtually each day. So her income from that alone has been cut by like 60-70%.
We both have been unable to teach our music students (probably 20-30 total between the both of us) except for 3-4 of mine which are trying to make webcam lessons work. If you are a musician/teacher, you know this is not ideal for so many different reasons.
And of course the annual Spring Recital for the Academy of Music we teach through at our church is cancelled.
After writing this, I have kind of just been able to process exactly how much of an impact this has had. I didn’t realize how much it influenced everything people had planned.
04-21-2020, 10:40 AM
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04-21-2020, 11:26 AM
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I am more than a little surprised that I have not come across something like this before now.
But I should warn everyone that this came from the same 'leftist news media source' where I get most of my news from. So if you are offended by 'leftist news' PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS.
"US orders group to stop selling bleach 'miracle cure' for coronavirus"
04-21-2020, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by gs1949
I am more than a little surprised that I have not come across something like this before now.
But I should warn everyone that this came from the same 'leftist news media source' where I get most of my news from. So if you are offended by 'leftist news' PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS.
"US orders group to stop selling bleach 'miracle cure' for coronavirus"
Yeah they're actually a religious group that advocates drinking BLEACH on a regular basis. They call it "miracle mineral solution" or MMS. Its popular among anti-vaxers and flat earthers.
04-21-2020, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by EastCoastCB
Yeah they're actually a religious group that advocates drinking BLEACH on a regular basis. They call it "miracle mineral solution" or MMS. Its popular among anti-vaxers and flat earthers.
News like this always makes me think of my favorite quote, which I use as a signature line on one of my email accounts:
"Life is a sexually transmitted disease," RD Laing
04-21-2020, 11:47 AM
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"How to make a non-medical coronavirus face mask – no sewing required"
Their first design is very interesting. I have not seen anything like this before.
04-21-2020, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Native
So when will the diesel prices drop more?
It likely won't.
Diesel is still very much in demand by the trucking industry, not as much as what it was pre-covid, but in demand nonetheless.
I have a friend whose mom is an operator at a refinery near us. I remember several years ago when ULSD came out, she was telling us that now most of the cost of diesel would be in the refining process. Diesel was a cheap fuel source during the 80's because of how little refining and blending was needed, but now with the current regulations, it's not so much.
Originally Posted by Biscuitsjam
Both the media and the politicians are doing an awful job of keeping us informed. It isn't helped by all the disinformation spread over social media.
Isn't that the truth. If you follow none of it, you're uninformed. If you listen to all of it, you're misinformed. Which one is worse, I have no idea.
04-21-2020, 12:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Booyah45828
Isn't that the truth. If you follow none of it, you're uninformed. If you listen to all of it, you're misinformed. Which one is worse, I have no idea.
Personally, I think it's always that way. The difference now is that there is much more at stake in the short term.
04-21-2020, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by EastCoastCB
Yeah they're actually a religious group that advocates drinking BLEACH on a regular basis. They call it "miracle mineral solution" or MMS. Its popular among anti-vaxers and flat earthers.
Wow... they should be given access to something stronger so the effects are of more value to the rest of us...
(yeah, I said that... )
04-21-2020, 12:53 PM
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This article on the results of tracing the contacts of an infected French boy is very interesting. But it simultaneously provides some hope and demonstrates how little they know.
"Boy with Covid-19 did not transmit disease to more than 170 contacts"
04-21-2020, 01:08 PM
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uninformed versus misinformed ain't that the truth. Journalist are slimy , its all about ratings , not the news. Check out Casey Roman on youtube about her old life when she was in media.
04-21-2020, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by banman
Wow... they should be given access to something stronger so the effects are of more value to the rest of us...
(yeah, I said that... )
I can't watch this because I'm on a work computer, but I get the gist of it by the MMS comment. I had the same thoughts as you. Maybe they need to up their dose, save the rest of us from the headache that they are. A few other statements come to mind.
I could agree with you, but then we both would be wrong.
The brain is a wonderful thing, too bad everyone doesn't have one.
Being stupid is kinda like being dead, it only hurts those of us left behind.
Stupid people have it made, they are too dumb to realize they are dumb.
04-21-2020, 02:57 PM
Bus Geek
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Originally Posted by JackE
I can't watch this because I'm on a work computer, but I get the gist of it by the MMS comment. I had the same thoughts as you. Maybe they need to up their dose, save the rest of us from the headache that they are. A few other statements come to mind.
I could agree with you, but then we both would be wrong.
The brain is a wonderful thing, too bad everyone doesn't have one.
Being stupid is kinda like being dead, it only hurts those of us left behind.
Stupid people have it made, they are too dumb to realize they are dumb.
They're now giving bleach enemas to autistic children.
04-21-2020, 03:05 PM
Bus Nut
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Originally Posted by EastCoastCB
They're now giving bleach enemas to autistic children.
RD Laing is appropriate here: "Life is a sexually transmitted disease." RD also wrote a lot of things that are highly appropriate here about families, but I won't get into any of that now.
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