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Old 03-24-2020, 04:22 PM   #121
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Old 03-24-2020, 04:27 PM   #122
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I don't think the coronavirus is going to cause power outages or utility failures. But, the discussion does bring up a good point that it could affect the response to a new disaster. We'll still have hurricanes, forest fires, etc. Faced with a bigger and more immediate threat, social distancing will go out the window to respond to other kinds of natural disasters.
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Old 03-24-2020, 05:00 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by Biscuitsjam View Post
I don't think the coronavirus is going to cause power outages or utility failures.
Yeah I think the idea of workers getting sick causing outages is remote at best. The state will throw its entire weight behind maintaining these systems, they would be one of the last things to fail.

I intended to finish off my electrical at the end of the month one way or another.
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Old 03-24-2020, 05:04 PM   #124
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This is science fiction on the hoof.
I do not suffer from mental illness. I enjoy every damn minute of it!
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Old 03-24-2020, 06:28 PM   #125
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I agree with the last few assessments. I don't see anything resembling a broad-scale power system failure directly caused by covid19 to be very likely.

But every year here we have at least 1 or 2 storms every spring, and 1 or 2 storms every fall that cause scattered power failures. We lose power at least twice a year so I've seen what areas get fixed last for a while now. And the road I live on is always close to dead last.

Normally, there is no viral outbreak, so power crews are close to full strength during the times when storms can be expected. But even so, during normal times power outages sometimes get fixed very slowly around here because whole crews get taken to more populated, higher priority areas.

I think that problem will be more severe because of covid19, and getting a generator soon is the best way I can think of to get ready for an outage of several days, because that is very likely here where I am.
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Old 03-24-2020, 06:49 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by cadillackid View Post
our Ohio shelter order isdamn near unenforceable.. you are allowed to go out for groceries... meds.. supplies..take-out is open.. walk paths bike paths are opem (playgrounds closed).. gas stations open.. and this theme.. governor dewine started a lot of it.. is the same across most states iussuing orders.. a couple cities or burbs if you will within columbus have called curfews midnight to 7am.. good riddence as both places that have done it are ghetto-hoods where the only thing going on after midnight anyway were drug-deals and murders.. you can still go in and out of the state.. all roads are open.. but things like gyms,boutiques and the like are all ordered closed.. stores are supposed to enforce social-distancing.. but grocery stores and walmart sure arent.. they are zoos like they always are... and hte hoarders continue to hoard and therest of us who bought reasonably are seeing our supplies of cleaners and paper goods dwindle..
While we in Virginia are not required to stay home the ban on gatherings is pretty much the same thing. I just read the newest statement from our governor, and no gathering of more then 10 people, non essentail business to close, take out only for restuarants etc. So without saying you must stay at home which I have to say would be hard to enforce, the other bans make it kind of useless to go out except for needed supplies. The roads around here are empty, or very little traffic. So there must be a lot of people just staying home.
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Old 03-24-2020, 06:54 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by BlackJohn View Post
If this turns into a nuclear meltdown at this time,our worries are over.

Be happy
You ain't helpin' with the happiness thing.

FWIW, we know how bad this is going to be because it was already bad for China and then Italy. Nobody else has lost power or other utilities as the result of this.
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Old 03-24-2020, 06:58 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by cadillackid View Post
our Ohio shelter order isdamn near unenforceable.. you are allowed to go out for groceries... meds.. supplies..take-out is open.. walk paths bike paths are opem (playgrounds closed).. gas stations open.. and this theme.. governor dewine started a lot of it.. is the same across most states iussuing orders.. a couple cities or burbs if you will within columbus have called curfews midnight to 7am.. good riddence as both places that have done it are ghetto-hoods where the only thing going on after midnight anyway were drug-deals and murders.. you can still go in and out of the state.. all roads are open.. but things like gyms,boutiques and the like are all ordered closed.. stores are supposed to enforce social-distancing.. but grocery stores and walmart sure arent.. they are zoos like they always are... and hte hoarders continue to hoard and therest of us who bought reasonably are seeing our supplies of cleaners and paper goods dwindle..
The shelter in place is not about "enforceable" -- would you want the National Guard activated en-mass and impose marshal law? (As I'm still in the NG, I'm a BIG NO on that idea!) -- it's about social responsibility to slow the spread. Shouldn't need to enforce that...

The asshat hoarders will slow down -- anyone hoarding that much is scared and will stop going out soon...
The supply chain isn't broken -- it will catch up...

My wife just came back from Whole foods -- fresh chicken, veggies, ect. Continue to eat well and stay strong -- best way to minimize getting hard-sick...
Gotta go!

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Old 03-24-2020, 07:11 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by musigenesis View Post
You ain't helpin' with the happiness thing.

FWIW, we know how bad this is going to be because it was already bad for China and then Italy. Nobody else has lost power or other utilities as the result of this.
Exactly -- the biggest difference between our country and those, are the horrendous number of pin-heads in this country that own firearms and the level of stupid they can create with their fantasy notions of wanting to live in a "Walking Dead" utopia...

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Old 03-24-2020, 07:31 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by banman View Post
The shelter in place is not about "enforceable" -- would you want the National Guard activated en-mass and impose marshal law? (As I'm still in the NG, I'm a BIG NO on that idea!) -- it's about social responsibility to slow the spread. Shouldn't need to enforce that...
There's no lawful basis for any of the bans in the first place. Its a violation of the 1st Amendment, and no exception is carved out for "emergencies".

Originally Posted by banman View Post
The supply chain isn't broken -- it will catch up...
It is a chain, and can fail, however. It would be unwise not to have a bit of a buffer.

Originally Posted by banman View Post
Exactly -- the biggest difference between our country and those, are the horrendous number of pin-heads in this country that own firearms and the level of stupid they can create with their fantasy notions of wanting to live in a "Walking Dead" utopia...
And for all this FUD about firearms ownership you don't see those people going out and being irresponsible with them. Yeah, there are idiots. Statistically they are an outlier at most.

The "Walking Dead", the "pin-head [gun owners]" are caricatures, not reality. They're stereotypes based in fiction that don't hold water. The REAL difference between our country and others? In China, you're state property. In Europe, you're a subject. In America, we are free men treated with dignity. Everyone is expected to be an adult, to be responsible. And anyone who doesn't faces consequences.

I loathe this narrative that paints our fellow countrymen as dangerous buffoons.
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Old 03-24-2020, 07:45 PM   #131
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Originally Posted by banman View Post
Exactly -- the biggest difference between our country and those, are the horrendous number of pin-heads in this country that own firearms and the level of stupid they can create with their fantasy notions of wanting to live in a "Walking Dead" utopia...
I second (ammendment, pun intended) that notion!
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Old 03-24-2020, 09:27 PM   #132
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I think if lockdowns or shelter-in-place orders are lifted too early then we run the risk of the virus resurging because it wasn't fully eradicated in the first place. There's too much we still don't know like how to detect it earlier or whether those who recover can be re-infected. Returning to life as usual could be a recipe for an even faster exponential growth curve the second time around.

Likewise, remaining in the current status of minimum economic and industrial activity while so many people self-isolate isn't a long-term strategy because even the essential people will eventually begin to fall victim and many jobs aren't easily interchangeable. As mentioned earlier, what happens when too many nuclear power plant employees call off sick? They have to shut down the plant once minimum safety standards can no longer be maintained with the remaining well employees.

The same will apply across the board. Eventually more stockers, loaders, drivers and brokers will fall ill and the goods won't be able to get from the warehouse to store shelves as fast as we need it leading to more panic hoarding. Likewise, the longer things drag on, the more we deplete warehouse stocks but if manufacturing can't get enough employees who haven't fallen ill then they can't make more toilet paper to send to the warehouses.

I see it as we slammed on the brakes economically but not to a complete stop, just to a coast. Now as we coast we're still at risk of losing momentum until an eventual stall out anyways. We do need to restart the economy as soon as prudent but with the benefit of factual information and not rumor and politically motivated agendas in order that we don't restart just to end up back in a tailspin in a few weeks or months time.
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Old 03-24-2020, 10:23 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by EastCoastCB View Post
I'm feeling a LOT better yall. thanks EVERYONE on here for the positivity. I needed that more than ever.

Ronnie called me right when I was about at my worst and he's such a calming force... I just feel a ton better... I can't thank yall enough.
Charlie, if you can get a hold of vitamin c, start taking large doses until it makes you have diarrhea. That’s just flushing your system. Make sure you stay hydrated. Keep taking it after the diarrhea, just lower amount. They are starting to treat those in New York with high doses of vitamin C. I’m glad you were able to chill for awhile. All the positive vibe going your way.
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Old 03-24-2020, 10:43 PM   #134
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Hey Charlie,
Did you work out a way to get your mom to treatment?
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Old 03-24-2020, 11:00 PM   #135
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Originally Posted by musigenesis View Post
You ain't helpin' with the happiness thing.

FWIW, we know how bad this is going to be because it was already bad for China and then Italy. Nobody else has lost power or other utilities as the result of this.

If iI should die of this covid or anything else, I will die happy. What are you worried about? it's just a spiritual journey in a human body, they wear out.
With covid you recover or drown due to fluids filling your lungs.
My lungs should be shot anyway with my lifestyle so I have no concerns of dying.

"Nobody else has lost power or other utilities as the result of this.[/QUOTE]"

Might I add "yet". These are all man-made machines and technologies, they do have lifespans and need to be maintained without fail.

People seem to have way too much faith in the authorities that be. It 's a shame so many have died and will continue to do so for a longtime it seems. Just prepare the best you can cause it's gonna hit the fan.

At least most of us have a bus roof over our heads, more than most will end up with.

Question everything!
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Old 03-24-2020, 11:23 PM   #136
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And perhaps most importantly, we do not yet know for sure that what the Chinese and Italians experienced is the worst that covid19 has to dish out.

We won't know that until we know the severity of the second wave, which is already building, and we do not yet know for certain if there will be a third wave, but there probably will be.
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Old 03-25-2020, 07:10 AM   #137
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Originally Posted by Native View Post
Hey Charlie,
Did you work out a way to get your mom to treatment?
She can't get an infusion for a couple weeks. She can drive there. But last time she went we'd all just been exposed. The stuff she gets could kill her if she's infected.
Its a dangerous catch 22
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Old 03-25-2020, 07:11 AM   #138
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Originally Posted by Phatman View Post
Charlie, if you can get a hold of vitamin c, start taking large doses until it makes you have diarrhea. That’s just flushing your system. Make sure you stay hydrated. Keep taking it after the diarrhea, just lower amount. They are starting to treat those in New York with high doses of vitamin C. I’m glad you were able to chill for awhile. All the positive vibe going your way.
I don't need any IBS flare ups.
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Old 03-25-2020, 07:21 AM   #139
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Originally Posted by BlackJohn View Post
If iI should die of this covid or anything else, I will die happy. What are you worried about? it's just a spiritual journey in a human body, they wear out.
With covid you recover or drown due to fluids filling your lungs.
My lungs should be shot anyway with my lifestyle so I have no concerns of dying.

"Nobody else has lost power or other utilities as the result of this.

Might I add "yet". These are all man-made machines and technologies, they do have lifespans and need to be maintained without fail.

People seem to have way too much faith in the authorities that be. It 's a shame so many have died and will continue to do so for a longtime it seems. Just prepare the best you can cause it's gonna hit the fan.

At least most of us have a bus roof over our heads, more than most will end up with.


Interesting you mention it is just a spiritual journey in a human body. Not many think that way. I do agree with you on this.
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Old 03-25-2020, 08:02 AM   #140
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My sister tested positive in NYC. Her boyfriend also has it but hasn't been tested yet. They've been isolated in their apartment for two weeks, and she's had symptoms for a week now. So far, they're fine, other than being weak and feeling awful. Hopefully they get past it soon.
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