Filling Floor Holes
Hey everyone,
So to patch up holes in the bus, I've been welding. The stop sign holes, the warning light holes, the ceiling vent hole, a million other random body holes, etc. I'm almost done with body welding and I'll be moving on to the floor holes soon.
To be honest I'm pretty tired of welding, as I've been doing it for, I dunno, 8 months? It's starting to get hot in Florida again, when that splatter lands on your leg and sits there it really hurts, and welding on your knees just generally sucks even for a 19 year old.
From my understanding properly protected welds are the best way to fill holes in a metal structure, but with the floor holes not being exposed to sun and rain I'm not as concerned. So, should I just quit being a baby and keep welding, or should I use some other material? If I use something else, what? Fiberglass, bondo, silicone, roof patch?