Ford c6 tranny
This ain't a skoolie issue?AAARGH But it has mucked up my skoolie money for a little while
I finally put my old truck on the road and my son has been driving it all week but the tranny went out yesterday and we spent this morning changing the fluid and filter along with putting the special stuff in it and it acted like it was better in the driveway and starting out heading down the road but we came back hooked to another truck. My two 17 and 16 boys finally found jobs and now there transportation is shot. Gotta go buy something else tomorrow on a holiday weekend? AAARGH
Does someone have an old ford c6 laying around that fits a 400? That we can make a deal on? I have the capability to re-build but I don't have the clean garage/shed to do it?
All I have is a gravel driveway?
My bus needs inspection and they are probably going to want tires for there full DOT inspection 1800$ if I go good and 1400$ if I go cheap but what is 400 if your spending that much? For a damn bus to sit cause your kids are more important than your wants or needs?
Sorry rant over
Anyone have a c6 tranny with a big block bell house?