We have had Subway (manager no less) get nasty with us. I think they lied to us here in Roswell. Claimed they owned an empty store/parking lot when we are pretty sure they didn't. Ran David off. He just set up someplace else. I also think that a different Subway manager called code enforcement on us. No problem, We have all permits and can pass a spot health inspection at any time (and have). Code enforcement showed up less than 10 minutes after the Subway manager was "visiting" our cart and perusing the menu. Or it was a just a coincidence.
Some vendors are just off. You always get a small percentage of nut cases in anything. It's life. But there simply is not the big $$ in this business that you are led to believe based on the Food truck shows you see on TV. It's is getting less too. But the local governments are jacking the permit and license fees up and requiring more expensive hoops for us to jump thru. Partly due to pressure from brix-&-mortar restaurants and partly because the governments think we are making big bucks out there
Some of those food vendors carry guns too! We just have a "personal people pummeler". It's a 16 oz metal meat tenderizer. We use it to hold the $$ down on the counter while we make change. Handy little thing. Looks like this.