I put a small tv in my bus so I could watch and work. Go Patriots!!!! I want an undefeated team out of them.
"Escapin' through the lily fields
I came across an empty space
It trembled and exploded
Left a bus stop in its place
The bus came by and I got on
That's when it all began
There was cowboy Neal
At the wheel
Of a bus to never-ever land"
I honestly didn't even watch it. I would have been a more even match up if it was cleveland instead and might have been worth watching. I kinda wonder how many people did watch them games.
As for myself as to even watching football. I don't even care about it. But I did buy a small 7 inch color insignia atv/dtv to bring along when I bring a bar group down to the metrodome for viking home games. And I only watch it so I know what quarter they are in as we just drop of by the doors and then come back before the game ends and then it is a thing of getting to a spot before other people do.
Other than the football games as I stated I am also enjoying the tv in my truck during my lunch breaks. For better reception I bought a bunny ears antenna with a metal bas and took a round magnet out of a old microwave and use that to hold it solidly to the roof.