09-26-2014, 11:12 AM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 163
How many live in your bus?
Of those that full time, how many are in your family and how big is the bus?
I have a wild hair to think about full-timing or seasonal long trips or maybe work a tradeshow circuit, but...I have 9 kids 18 and younger. I can make an entertainer coach layout and be great for a week or so, or be a guest room at someone's house (my original goal) but how do live long term?
09-26-2014, 02:23 PM
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Re: How many live in your bus?
Originally Posted by r_w
Of those that full time, how many are in your family and how big is the bus?
I have a wild hair to think about full-timing or seasonal long trips or maybe work a tradeshow circuit, but...I have 9 kids 18 and younger. I can make an entertainer coach layout and be great for a week or so, or be a guest room at someone's house (my original goal) but how do live long term?
I saw have mommy learn to drive and buy another bus.....you can pretend you are a convoy or partridge family with a boy/girl bus...every evening you can park side by side and commune
seriously though; that may be tough to do, it depends on you and your family, things like daily laundry and cooking/eating along with sleep room....good luck and god speed
Our build La Tortuga
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George S. Patton
09-26-2014, 11:22 PM
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Re: How many live in your bus?
9 kids  holy smokes! you might have to get a double decker, or have to tow another camper, I think you have just to big of crew for a bus, but good luck.
09-27-2014, 10:23 AM
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Re: How many live in your bus?
I suggest you either tow a bunkhouse like the carnivals do or buy a second bus for the kiddies.No matter what, you will be paying for two campsites so I would just get the second bus and as the kiddies age up (time flies), teach them to drive it a little. That will give your wife a break on driving as you already got an 18yo who can learn to drive. I was driving a 3/4 ton pickup truck when I was 16 (my Dad's work truck and my normal driver was a VW squareback) and a 1 ton dump truck at 19. Size is a mindset. Once you learn to drive something small, driving larger vehicles is just a matter of learning how much space they take up and how much stopping distance to allow for.
Two adults in a 40 ft bus.... until we acquire Das Mel for our move back east... then it will be three adults in a bus built for two.
09-27-2014, 10:29 AM
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Re: How many live in your bus?
A word of warning. You do understand that your children will grow up in one of two mindsets... either they will embrace the idea of a firmly rooted house life or they will never want to live in a house... ever.
I have one of each. The house mad one is slowly changing. She is back to tent camping. We'll see if we can corrupt her a bit more.... She really likes Airstreams....
09-27-2014, 12:17 PM
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Re: How many live in your bus?
Originally Posted by lornaschinske
Two adults in a 40 ft bus.... until we acquire Das Mel for our move back east... then it will be three adults in a bus built for two. 
pup tent on top
Our build La Tortuga
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.
George S. Patton
09-27-2014, 02:22 PM
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Re: How many live in your bus?
Originally Posted by bansil
Originally Posted by lornaschinske
Two adults in a 40 ft bus.... until we acquire Das Mel for our move back east... then it will be three adults in a bus built for two. 
pup tent on top 
Not permanent! She's only bunking with us until we get off the road again. Hopefuly she will be towing a popup to live in while we convert her skoolie. Just not worth the hassle of setting up for one night. Plus it will be packed with her stuff. Once we find a place to buy, she can live in the popup. And we will find and convert a bus as fast as we can.
09-27-2014, 05:17 PM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 163
Re: How many live in your bus?
Wife may drive a little on the interstate or back highways but no traffic or city streets or turns. Towing a trailer is out, if we tow anything it will be a toad. My 18 YO could and probably will have his own bus soon, as his home. He can already drive a dump truck--his biggest thing is he wants a bus with a stick shift (already a crown snob  )
I don't care what my kids do in life as long as they have meaning/purpose (long-term happiness). My teenagers have their heads screwed on much better than I did at their age. Hopefully a few of them have homes/land so mom and me can park to see the grandkids sometime down the road.
What I can't get my mind wrapped around is the logistics--water, grey/black, LAUNDRY. I can't figure out how to make it more than 2-3 days boondocked, I need to make it at least a week but that is an insane amount of water.
09-30-2014, 11:15 AM
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Re: How many live in your bus?
I had nowhere to keep my last bus, but now I have a lot, power, and water. I just need to find another deal on a bus.
Back in 03', a company was changing out buses for employee transport and I was given one of the old ones for FREE! It was a 1987 Ford/Thomas with a gas 370, auto, air brakes, and 83k original miles. Had to sell it as I couldn't find anywhere to keep it. Now I have property!
Will be living full time in the next bus. With the fiance' and our cats.
Good to see that others are doing the fulltime bus thing.
09-30-2014, 12:03 PM
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Re: How many live in your bus?
Originally Posted by lornaschinske
Hopefuly she will be towing a popup to live in while we convert her skoolie.
Dat be de plan, mon. Pop-ups in decent shape in new Mexico are dreadfully expensive. I have a nasty feeling I'll be spending my Bus Money on a stinkin' popup.
When my Bus is complete it will be for ONE person. And a dog. Everything will be Mel-sized since I'm a shortass, so if I ever have to sell said bus (which would only happen if I DIE somewhere and it better be on a beach!) it will pretty much only be sell-able to midgets. Because I'm friggin' wee.
Dog is my copilot. As I have no dog, I have no flight plan.
"If all porkchops were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs!" -Steven Universe
09-30-2014, 02:56 PM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 163
Re: How many live in your bus?
Originally Posted by Das Mel
Originally Posted by lornaschinske
Hopefuly she will be towing a popup to live in while we convert her skoolie.
Dat be de plan, mon. Pop-ups in decent shape in new Mexico are dreadfully expensive. I have a nasty feeling I'll be spending my Bus Money on a stinkin' popup.
Can you pull a regular bumper pull trailer? Anything small/light enough for a half-ton or smaller gets a huge premium. Huge premium.
09-30-2014, 06:08 PM
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Re: How many live in your bus?
It had to be pullable with a Jeep Grand Cherokee. That basically means a pop-up. Claudia (Das Mel's black jeep.... get it? "Claudia Black"?) can't pull anything that is taller then she is because the drag is too much. Therefore... popup.
09-30-2014, 09:09 PM
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Re: How many live in your bus?
Originally Posted by lornaschinske
It had to be pullable with a Jeep Grand Cherokee. That basically means a pop-up. Claudia (Das Mel's black jeep.... get it? "Claudia Black"?) can't pull anything that is taller then she is because the drag is too much. Therefore... popup.
Yessssss I would LOVE to know why Claudia isn't allowed to pull anything taller than her considering she pulled the Hotdog cart from to and from Mountainair and towed R-Jeep (which weighs 5500lbs) just fine. Claiming it will tear up her transmission is hogwash because it just sounds silly. No one's given me a reason it would possibly tear up the tranny.
*grumpy-puss is grumpy*
Dog is my copilot. As I have no dog, I have no flight plan.
"If all porkchops were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs!" -Steven Universe
10-01-2014, 07:19 AM
Bus Geek
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Re: How many live in your bus?
Originally Posted by Das Mel
Originally Posted by lornaschinske
It had to be pullable with a Jeep Grand Cherokee. That basically means a pop-up. Claudia (Das Mel's black jeep.... get it? "Claudia Black"?) can't pull anything that is taller then she is because the drag is too much. Therefore... popup.
Yessssss I would LOVE to know why Claudia isn't allowed to pull anything taller than her considering she pulled the Hotdog cart from to and from Mountainair and towed R-Jeep (which weighs 5500lbs) just fine. Claiming it will tear up her transmission is hogwash because it just sounds silly. No one's given me a reason it would possibly tear up the tranny.
*grumpy-puss is grumpy*
Claudia has NOT been happy pulling the hotdog cart. The wind drag is/was tremendous on the highways. With R-Jeep, there is no wind drag (or rather not much since they are about the same height). The tranny got too hot everytime we used Claudia to pull the cart. And Claudia is getting old. You do not need to shorten her life any more than you have to. We are looking at another 1700 mile trip back east. Do you want to break down in TX, or anywhere, again? We will get into this when we come over at the end of October.
10-01-2014, 09:27 AM
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 163
Re: How many live in your bus?
Sorry to bring it up
BTW, Mom is right.
10-01-2014, 10:41 AM
Bus Geek
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Re: How many live in your bus?
I would like a 643 tranny and turn fuel up about 25/50 hp, then get another bus and cut off the front and tow it behind La Tortuga, airbrakes and all, use it as a shop
Our build La Tortuga
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George S. Patton
10-01-2014, 10:42 AM
Bus Nut
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Re: How many live in your bus?
Originally Posted by lornaschinske
With R-Jeep, there is no wind drag (or rather not much since they are about the same height).
HOW if they are the same height?! It. Sounds. STUPID. The Cart sat up 2 foot higher (give or take) than the roof no matter the vehicle because they're BOTH Grand Cherokees.
Is this one of those mechanical things that just sounds too full of stupid for me to make any sense of?
Originally Posted by lornaschinske
And Claudia is getting old.
Claudia's not old! She's only 16!
....CRAP! SHE'S OLD!  When did this happen? Wait, HOW OLD AM I??
Originally Posted by lornaschinske
Do you want to break down in TX, or anywhere, again? We will get into this when we come over at the end of October.
 Noooooooo, I don't wanna break down again. She didn't break down in Texas, that was Compass Rose. Claudia started throwing up coolant while we were in Louisiana or still in Alabama (we made the Mississippi crossing in one trip, I think, save for that time we got lost). She didn't like the hot roads at the time.
Originally Posted by r_w
Sorry to bring it up
BTW, Mom is right.
.............this is YOUR fault!
This whole mess can be talked about, using tiny words a dummy like me can understand, when you get here. Meanwhile I'm going to sit in a corner and pout. It feels like you're picking on my car. Don't pick on my car, that's my buddy. Can't stop anyone else from picking on her or I feel like I'll get chucked from the danged family whine whine whine complaaaaaaaaain.
Dog is my copilot. As I have no dog, I have no flight plan.
"If all porkchops were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs!" -Steven Universe
10-01-2014, 06:21 PM
Bus Geek
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Re: How many live in your bus?
We've GOT to get you out of this state!
10-01-2014, 06:47 PM
Bus Geek
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Re: How many live in your bus?
Originally Posted by lornaschinske
We've GOT to get you out of this state!
easy there.....it'll be okay
Our build La Tortuga
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.
George S. Patton
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