Golly, I was only gone a couple of weeks! But I do appreciate the love!
I've found just a few groups of folks on the internet that seem worth hanging out
-- "virtually" -- with, and this bunch is on that short list. Some groups out there are
incredibly rude and quarrelsome!
It's worth repeating: Air dryers really work. In 25 years of stumbling around the
countryside in 18-wheelers on and off, I don't think I've driven a single one that
didn't have an air dryer.
I call it the "sneezer", because it makes a sneezing sound when it dumps the
oil-and-moisture. This device is about the size of a five gallon bucket. It spits
out a bit of air, carrying the moisture and tiny bit of oil, each time the
compressor cycles (as determined by the pressure regulator).