And now years later I am finally giving in to my urge to buy one and convert it into a "Skoolie"
I have a preference for an all mechanical DT466 powered bus with a 5speed but what really peaks my interest are all of the Marmon Herrington All Wheel Drive buses I delivered to places like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the mid 1990s. I have been looking all over to see some of them come up for sale but it's looking like big companies like Laidlaw are hording them and driving them in to the ground.
Anyway I thought I would introduce myself and let everyone know that I have logged thousands of miles in schoolbuses driving them long distances across the country without really thinking I would eventually own one of them once they had served their intended purpose of hauling children around but here I am bus shopping and buying insulation/PVC pipe and appliances in the hopes of taking my show on the road once again but this time in comfort and with my family along for the ride..