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Old 10-27-2017, 12:52 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Midwest
Posts: 2,573
Year: 2003
Coachwork: BlueBird
Chassis: TC2000
Engine: 5.9L Cummins
Rated Cap: '00
Lookie What I found- Post your "finds" here

I'll start.

Tomorrow is garbage day...and was heading home past some very nice houses and something caught my eye (surprise). There was a vehicle bucket seat by the curb....So I dropped of my daughter and went back for a peek.

It looked to be in very good condition, but had a wired remote attached to it. It was dark, I was backed-in the driveway, so I opened the back and went to toss this newfound treasure in.

I could not lift it. I am not used to this situation, gravity fears me , but this sucker was HEAVY. It had an oddly thick steel plate on the bottom.

So, I moved my truck into the street (50 mph limit, dark out) so wanted to move briskly. I had to drag it to the truck and it took me 4 tries to heave that sucker in the back. I think I busted a nut or 3.

So, what the heck is it ??? it's a mobility chair called Bruno Turny. It rotates outward and lowers the occupant so they can get in a scooter or wheelchair. I left it in the truck until I can rent a crane to remove it in the morning, but looks complete and the guy had the wires coiled nicely. I seriously doubt the garbage man would have hoisted it in- I sure wouldn't have loaded it and I did that 'special' job in my youth.

Click image for larger version

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Views:	10
Size:	114.9 KB
ID:	16933

Click image for larger version

Name:	turny2.jpg
Views:	10
Size:	62.9 KB
ID:	16934

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dumpster dive, finds, treasures

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