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Old 10-06-2018, 08:21 PM   #21
Bus Geek
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My brother in law helped a lot.
Roof is done
Insulate and Sheetrock the ceilings and walls tomorrow.
With my brother in laws help we will be ready to paint.
If anyone needs a place to stay?
Let me know I am getting my back together this weekend.
A bus is kinda like a house??
There is always something to fix,finish,have to do,need to do,want to do,and day dream about doing?
But if anyone needs help around me?
If I have it or know it you got it.
Scheduling needed of course???.
But it's yours.

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Old 10-08-2018, 04:25 AM   #22
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Angry excellent idea!

Originally Posted by anndr0id View Post
Hi! Vandweller here, so a friend who lost their car and home came to me to ask for help because she wants to buy a bus. I have no clue what to tell her (I told her to look for an RV but they are pieces of crap for what she could afford), she's running out of money and about to be homeless, so I guess it's less of the fact that it's a bad idea, and more it's better than nothing.

She has $5k max to spend, and found some school buses online and wants to buy one and live in it (essentially mattress and camping stove at first) and slowly build it out. I don't know anything about school buses and I've tried to do some research but honestly I felt like I could ask and get better info than what I could cobble together myself in one night to write up for her.

What's the minimum one would need to go from school bus to something they could live in (in the Carolina Fall heat), and is it really even plausible for that amount of money? Couldn't find existing conversions anywhere close. I assume even the initial task of getting all the seats out isn't easy. I also was thinking that if it's going to be her primary vehicle, I know the big ones get like 10mpg. So secondly, is there a model or size you'd recommend that's going to be find-able at that price but still doesn't get too bad mileage and would be more likely to be mechanically sound?

We are in the southeast, and have just found things on Craigslist at the time.

Thank you sooo much for any answers and your time, you all are awesome! I'm still doing as much research as possible myself.
i cant think of a cheaper way to get back on your feet and have a roof over your head just have to be cautious about how and when you spend your money dont buy nothing unless you cant find a deal or get it free in maine you can go dump to dump[ and get everything you need for free just about so i dont know how it is there but it might be worth the trip up here parking is easy to find as well! and people are willing to help not just turn you away or call police on you for being homeless like what happened to me in key west when i got robbed im a vet and the american legion there wouldn't help me or give me the time of day and i was a donating member at that time so that's something to consider as well the people in key west called the cops on me for asking to borrow a gas can i wouldn't believe it i've never been surrounded by so many assholes in my 50 years on this earth id just as soon see that place get wiped right off the face of the earth by a hurricane!
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Old 10-08-2018, 05:03 AM   #23
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 25
Dear NotAClue,
There is a posting here on this site

Its not a shorty but he is asking about $5k & it is partially converted.
Oh, the best part is - he is heading (in the bus) east soon to South Carolina.

I wish your friend good luck & G-d speed in finding her new Skoolie home!
Moble Midwife
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Old 10-08-2018, 08:26 AM   #24
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Just don't get in a hurry. There are great deals on buses out there but there also rusted out, worn out hulks. Keep in mind the more you pay for the pallete the less you'll have for creative materials. Also remember, to convert a bus the "right way", you've got a whole lot of demolition to do. There are other options. See,, Best to get yourself comfortable and search for your mobile abode from a place of strength.
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