Hey everyone—I've started work on a skoolie resource website -
This won't be a blog about my bus, nor is it an attempt to recreate a community of skoolie owners (like this forum or the various FB groups like this one, which are all amazing). Instead, I'm hoping it's a one-stop-shop to get the basic questions answered that seem to get asked every month or two on forums and on this site.
So instead of starting the same conversations all over again each month, people can be linked to the relevant articles, and hopefully get a few questions answered that they weren't even asking!
If you've got some time, look it over for me (I've only got 6 articles so far, so TONS of work still to go). Let me now if I've got stuff in there that's inaccurate, or missing, etc. I realize there's not 100% consensus on most advice given, so I tried to go with the advice I heard the most often, but I'm open to changing anything on the site, so criticize away!
Also, if you've got a good write up of some aspect of the process, that includes a few pictures (or not) and would like to have it on the site, send it my way. I'll probably adapt/simplify it, and maybe add some diagrams if necessary, and happily give you credit and link to your blog (if you have one).
I'm hoping to add some more stickers/items for sale as we go along, to help cover the cost of this site. If I ever do more than just break even on it, I'll put that towards my bus build, which is just beginning (although I don't think there's really much money in stickers and other small items).