Just an "Oh, by the way" for anyone interested, this bus' final price was $8,000.01 and they didn't even have the keys for it. I called and was told that the tires appeared to be in good shape, no cracked glass or anything like that, but they didn't have the keys, didn't know if it even had batteries, didn't know what kind of shape the engine or transmission was in, and didn't have any idea whether it had been driven in or towed to the spot it was parked in. I guess the final straw for me was when I asked what the wires were that were hanging out from under the front bumper in the pictures, and they didn't have a clue.
Oh well, some ya' win, some ya' lose, and some get rained out. I just couldn't see myself forking out tow charges for that beast back to TN, and I also couldn't see me sweltering under the Texas sun for the next two weeks trying to get it running well enough to make the trip back home. Just call me a wuss, but those things that used to look like adventurous fun, now look suspiciously like work.
OK, I'm outta' here.