And here's the one for Billings, MT:
Sec. 24-411. - Parking for camping purposes.
It is unlawful for any person to park any motor vehicle for camping purposes in the city except in an authorized tourist park.
Overnight parking or camping in private parking lots within the city limits is prohibited. However, a rest period of no more than ten (10) hours shall be allowed, providing it is permitted by the owner of the parking lot. The rest period shall consist of ten (10) consecutive hours, after which time the vehicle must be removed from the parking lot.
Upon approval by resolution, the city council may temporarily suspend the requirements and restrictions imposed by section 24-411 in order to accommodate special events held within the city. The resolution of suspension shall become effective forty-eight (4

hours prior to the official start of the scheduled event and shall terminate forty-eight (4

hours after official conclusion of the event.