Just means I have come up with an idea that may save us some $$, may mean more work for David and/or may be so crazy it might work.
Me: "Honey, I've been thinking....."
David: "Oh no. Okay, what have you been thinking"
I also get what I call "dumb ideas". My favourite dumb idea...
One of David's sisters was married to a guy who knew everything and had done everything. We used to go tent camping with them. We had a big cabin tent and they did too. They lost one of the corners one time. Luckily, they were pulling the tent out at home to clean it. David & Ron were trying to figure out how to "make" a corner. I listened to them for a few minutes and then said "I have a dumb idea. Why don't you use a 90° elbow PVC pipe fitting, glue a piece of PVC pipe on one end that will slide down into the hollow tent pole leg about 6" or so. Dry fit another 6" pipe into the horizontal pole and elbow so that you can remove it and it all fit into the tent pole bag." After telling me that wouldn't work.... it worked.
One day Ron tapped his favourite tobacco pipe out too hard and broke the pipe stem. It snapped in half shearing off the pipe stem end tight inside the bowl side. He was trying to pull it out with needle nose pliers and anything else he could find. I said "I have a dumb idea" and then suggested that he simply screw a drywall screw into the tiny hole in the broken piece and then pull the plastic piece out by the screw with a pair of pliers. After I was told it wouldn't work... it worked.
Sometimes thinking outside the box sounds like a dumb idea. And you have be "thinking" to come up with the "dumb idea".
A great deal of our bus conversion has involved "dumb ideas". And often it is prefaced with "Honey, I've been thinking...". It also has meant we change things from one way to another often. David makes "executive decisions".