Originally Posted by Gustav
In order for that pickup to be rolled up like that, it had to be held stationary from the front. otherwise the green semi would have punted it forward into other cars or in the ditch. Notice the front end is pushed into the engine compartment. Likely was pinned behind a large trailer or similar. I have seen a lot in 45 years on the road, but nothing that intense. Just my opinion based upon a still photo with no other info.
Excellent observation, and quite correct. I looked up the article when I posted the photo, another photo (and the text) indicated there were 4 semis involved, 2 in the front, the pickup in the middle, the green truck behind it, which was rear-ended by the 4th. So yes, the pickup was pinned between the green truck and another semi in front of it. Photos show the upper part of the trailer in front of the pickup (including the roof) was pushed in a couple feet.