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Old 01-13-2017, 05:45 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 44
Question Will this bike rack work?

I recently purchased a Bell Hitchbiker 450 bike rack at Academy Sports which attaches to the hitch of my skoolie and was about to use it for the first time. However, the instructions say, "This hitch rack is designed for use on passenger cars, trucks, and SUVs with appropriate receiver capacity. Do NOT use this with hitch mount on fifth wheels, RV's, or tent trailers - these vehicles produce loads that will exceed the capabilities of the rack and cause it to fail! If you need a rack for one of the applications, speak to your local RV dealer for advice on appropriate methods."

I called Camping World and asked them if I'm supposed to buy a special motor home style of rack or what the deal is. They said they don't know why the instructions say that, other than that maybe what I have purchased is not durable enough for all the "bouncing around" that occurs with a motor home or skoolie instead of a car. They said that to be on the safe side I should purchase one from them that is supposedly designed for RVs, which is the Swagman 9198 Trailhead 4 Bike Fold Down Rack.

The one I purchased is $139 and the one they want me to buy is a long road trip away at $184. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Why would it not be safe to use this with a motor home, or am I misunderstanding? Is this much ado about nothing, or is it a legitimate safety concern?

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Old 01-13-2017, 09:48 PM   #2
Bus Nut
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 543
Not sure if this is part of the issue. Some RV manufacturers don't like anything fastened to their products. They say it will void your warranty. Hitch mount or bumper mount? There is a bumper mount hitch receiver.

Sent from my SM-G530W using Tapatalk
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