Got my tax return today! One good thing about having two kids is a big fat tax return! Aside from buying my school bus, I went to the Home Depot today to get some goodies for working on my bus that I didn't have yet! WOO HOO! A buddy who works at Home Depot gave me a 20% off a one time purchaes coupon so I made it count! Here's what I got.
Lincoln 175HD Welder
Lincoln Oxy/Acetylene port-a-torch
Welding mask, gloves and handbook
Assorted welding accessories. (I sure hope I like welding)
Rigid metal cutoff saw
Dewalt 4.5" angle grinder
Milwaukee Sawzall (I can't wait to play with this bad boy!)
100' extension cord for my welder
I already had a lot of wood working tools, but nothing for working metal! I should be set now!
Also, for good measure, I picked up a new hunting rifle for those pesky wild hogs! It's a Remington 700BDL 30-06 with a Leupold 3-9x40 Rifleman scope! WOO HOO! Tax return day is like Christmas! My wife got some new couches, a fish tank and a new camera. Anyways, we're broke again! HA!