Re: WTF is going on?
Gun Control laws are only control the law biding Citizens! this was in a "GUN FREE SCHOOL ZONE" only one that had a gun was to perp! Outlaw the guns and only Outlaws will have Guns! There is nothing wrong with a waiting period and a better background check. The perp tried to get another gun but was turned down according to the news. Give the Good People the option to carry with the proper training, Give the Teacher, Principal Extra training and a Gun and the death toal could have been less, maybe just one, The perp.
I live in Illinois and they have strict Gun Control laws, You see how that has worked... Look at East St. Louis, Chicago and the Dekalb Northern Illinois University Shooting. Only good people go without because of the lawyers wanting to fry them if the do protect themselves.
My Heart and Prayers go out to the Parents. I can't imagine the Pain they have, I have a Six and Eight year old and the loss of them would be overwhelming. they are in my Prayers.