Besides their looks, I like Wayne's Lifeguard series for their full-length steel side panels. A '73 Lifeguard lived up to its name when a fire truck hit it (From "VAoverland" wikipedia user page) :
In contemplating Virginia Overland, whether one credits God, fate, luck, other factors, etc., to sparing us from even a single fatality over a 30 year period, we strongly felt it was largely attributed to a tremendous commitment to safety by the drivers and mechanics, as well as those of us who worked to support them. Our heavy concentration of Wayne Lifeguard bodies may have contributed to our good fortune. In 1982, at our Petersburg operation, a 1973 model Wayne Lifeguard school bus transporting 41 elementary school children was struck broad-side at an intersection by a city fire truck which had gone through a red traffic signal without stopping while responding to an alarm.
The school bus was rocked violently, but after the fire truck literally bounced off of it (rather than penetrating the body), the school bus driver was able to regain control and bring it to a safe stop. The fire truck was spun 180" and its front was demolished. All 3 firefighters were hospitalized. The bus driver and all children were transported to the hospital as well. One child on the bus had suffered a broken arm; the rest were mostly scared but uninjured.
Later examination of the school bus revealed that the impact of the massive fire truck had failed to overcome the great strength of the Wayne Lifeguard construction and the guard rails. Investigators were amazed to discover that despite a bulge of several inches on the longitudinal interior panel, there had been no all-the way through penetration of the passenger compartment whatsoever, no joint separation, and no sharp edges created. Instead, they found the substantial impact stress had been shared over a widespread area along the entire structure of the passenger compartment "box", protecting the occupants as intended by the design.
As opposed to regular RVs, which can't keep out a speeding