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Ceiling: Framing and Electrical Rough In
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recept series parallel
myers hubs
Multitap - used to thread holes in metal. Six thread sizes. 
(Klein part number #627-20)
Hubble Auxiliary Transfer/ Relay Control Device wire diagram
ATSD Terminations
Dual Line Source Terminations
Interruptable Power Supply 
(Batteries, BMS & Inverter) 
•True SineWave output 98% eff 
•Automatically transfers <1sec 
•Adjustable Output...
Emergency Ltg Ctrl Pnl 
(4) four separate bypassable & adjustable low voltage circuits
110.4 wrong
Receptical for ceiling mounted fan.
add a bus 
neutral bar 
ground bar terminal
(Out of order photo, taken before moving light) 
Compost light is not centered with the door or the composter. 
Has since been removed & reinstalled...
Full view from the hall floor, back side of the shower wall. 
Center-Left: the new gfci, for a ceiling mount fan, protects galley lights &...
Best Management Practice: wrap the devices' live parts with insulated tape, particularly inside a metal box. Always wrap the terminations of GFCI, TR...
Zoom in on the Green Ground screw. 
The ground wire is stripped & folded in the middle, leaveing two tails. 
One end bonds the box & both raceway...
Ceiling above powder rm: 
Added a 2"x2" to support a box (top R), for a shower-light. The linear steel Z-channel is too close to use a sliding...
(Out of order) 
After shifting the box & bracket 4". Light is now center of the door & composter.
Wide enough for two adults & one high speed two year old.
Predator watch on the farm tonight. Mystery meat tomorrow.
Bending them back & forth works, too.
Good place to mention, we can cut the depth tabs off of the brackets. (Builders choice)
The backside. 
I also added a fur strip on the interior side, too. A adjustment to the sliding bar bracket, was required, to accommodate the...

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