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JDOnTheGo is on a distinguished road

JDOnTheGo JDOnTheGo is offline

Bus Crazy

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Showing Profile Comments 1 to 4 of 4
  1. 84chevyguyid
    Hi just wondering if you are still active on here? I am starting a 1999 MCI E coach and would love to chat with you sometime. If by chance you get this you can call me at (20390-5860, my cell phone. If I dont answer please leave a message and I can return your call. A little background on me, I am 65 years old and have lived in a little town in southeast Idaho called Mud Lake since I was a year old. I have a 160 acre farm that I run and I am the Transportation Supervisor at our local public school district. I bought my bus last year and have been tinkering with it some but hope to go full speed ahead on it next summer when I retire. Hope to chat with you soon! thanks, Mike.
  2. JDOnTheGo
    Hi David - sorry for the slow response. No, haven't removed the bus A/C system yet I am becoming more convinced all the time. I guess I have to be REALLY sure about a thing before I do it.
  3. UnicornSoldier
    Hi JD,

    First of all, thanks for posting all this cool stuff regarding your bus. You info is helping us out a lot. I am reading your battery post on your website where you talk about eliminating the bus AC. Did you end up doing that? We have an AC/Heater in the middle of our bus in the "basement". The AC was toast when we bought the bus but I can't decide if I should keep the heater or not. Did you nuke the AC and heater? Thanks so much!

  4. JDOnTheGo
    Just a kinda-weird, middle-age dude that has spent the last few years living in a motorhome - and now my bus conversion. I love being in the wild boondocking as opposed to campgrounds and lots of people. I'm a HUGE fan of solar!!

    I'm a software engineer working full time so have to have an Internet connection. I mostly accomplish this with cellular data, amplifier, and external antenna.


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  • Last Activity: 01-13-2021 04:50 PM
  • Join Date: 02-05-2017
  • Referrals: 0

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